Studierende bedienen Messgeräte während ihres Biotechnologie-Studiums im Labor in Weihenstephan
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  • Study Biotechnology in Weihenstephan


Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary science that combines the fields of biology, chemistry and technology. Learn how state-of-the-art technology can be used to produce or analyse substances from microorganisms or cells and thus use them industrially.

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  7 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester
  • Work  With in-depth practice
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 30 August 2024

What you can expect from the Biotechnology degree programme

The Biotechnology degree programme is one of the Bioengineering degree programmes at Weihenstephan and combines natural sciences and engineering to create an application-oriented discipline. Biotechnology has set itself the task of applying science and technology to living organisms or parts of them. Its aim is to be inspired by nature and to utilise models of biological processes in a variety of ways. Biotechnologists research microorganisms, plants, animals and humans, but also the smallest parts such as individual cells or molecules.

Biotechnologists have been trained at our University of Applied Sciences for more than 30 years. Today, as in the past, the content is based on natural sciences and engineering subjects, but has continuously evolved due to the rapid progress of biotechnological techniques. Today, Biotechnology is a widely used cross-sectional technology (see Biotechnology). Among other things, it can be used to develop new drugs or diagnostic procedures, to produce important technical intermediates, biologically based energy sources or everyday products such as detergents in a more sustainable way.
New scientific findings mean that the areas of application for Biotechnology are constantly evolving. As a result, new, well-trained workers are always needed.

What you will learn in the Biotechnology degree programme

Studierende bei der Arbeit im Labor

Biotechnology is a highly interdisciplinary science. Specialised knowledge is important, but also an understanding of the ways of thinking and expressing oneself in the various sub-disciplines. This creates an important basis for good communication in a successful team.

On the programme you will learn

  • scientific principles:
    Building on scientific principles in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, biotechnological analysis and production processes are developed using interdisciplinary knowledge from microbiology, genetic engineering, cell culture, biochemistry, instrumental analysis and process engineering.

  • Practical knowledge:
    Students learn basic practical techniques in our teaching laboratories, work on real-life topics in companies or institutes for an entire (practical) semester and during the three-month Bachelor's thesis and have close contact with our teaching staff with practical experience throughout their studies.

Did you know? Biotechnology has actually been practised by humans for around 6,000 years. Without knowing the biological processes, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia were already using microorganisms to produce alcoholic beverages. Later, people used yeasts to make sourdough and lactic acid bacteria to preserve milk as cheese or yoghurt. Today, it is biotechnologists who produce medicines - e.g. insulin for people suffering from diabetes - and manufacture diagnostics or vaccines, e.g. against Covid19.

Programme structure: Your path to a Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology

The Biotechnology degree programme has a regular duration of seven semesters. It begins every year on 1 October and leads to the internationally recognised Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) degree, as our focus is on natural sciences (40%) in addition to engineering (25%). In addition, there is 20% work experience (mainly through the practical semester), 10% maths and IT and 5% subject-related minor subjects.

Studying Biotechnology: these career prospects await you

The biotechnological production of pharmaceuticals, raw materials and food is a huge future market. However, biotechnologists are not only found in pure biotechnology companies or the pharmaceutical and chemical industries - there are also attractive fields of activity in the food industry or in Agriculture, environmental technology and waste management, for example.

Biotechnologists work everywhere: They conduct research, develop biotechnological products and their manufacturing processes and ensure their quality standards. Career prospects after studying Biotechnology:

  • Large-scale industry, modern medium-sized companies, research institutions or in the public sector
  • Production, quality assurance, research & development or sales
  • Our alumni find their career start in the greater Munich area, in Germany, but also worldwide.
  • The demand for highly qualified engineers with a scientific background is high, currently especially in the pharmaceutical sector & in pure biotech companies.
  • If you have a degree in Biotechnology, you can often expect a significantly higher starting salary than students of other engineering sciences - as our experience shows.
  • The Biotechnology Master's degree & many other Master's programmes are open afterwards, and around 15% even go on to do a doctorate.

Biotechnology Bachelor's programme: course with intensive practical work

In cooperation with our industry partners, we also offer the Biotechnology degree programme as a course with intensive practical work.

The course with intensive practical work corresponds to the regular degree programme in terms of content and time. Students begin the normal Biotechnology study programme.

Contact person for the degree programme with in-depth practical experience

Why you should study Biotechnology at Weihenstephan

As a modern interdisciplinary programme, Biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in Bavaria is...

  • a degree programme in a growing future market that is constantly on the move & opens up international opportunities.
  • a varied, interdisciplinary degree programme with an experienced, committed teaching staff with several years of industrial experience.

  • a degree programme that is also offered as a dual course with intensive practical work.

  • a degree programme with excellent contacts to industry & research institutions, as we have been working intensively on this for over 30 years.

More information about the degree programme

degree programme ambassador

I am Lea Viskovic and I am a programme ambassador for the Biotechnology degree programme. As I study at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, I can answer your questions directly. So if you want to know what the degree programme is all about or what it's like to live in Freising, just send me an email to:

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