Zwei Studierende der Bioinformatik werten Proben im Labor in Weihenstephan aus
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Study Computer Science in Weihenstephan

Applied computer science

Explore life between zero and one: discover the potential of computer science at the interface with the life sciences.

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  7 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester
  • Work  With in-depth practice
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 30 August 2024

Erstes Fachsemester hybrid

Online-Angebot ab mind. 10 Teilnehmenden

Why study Applied Computer Science at HSWT?

Computer science methods and the tools based on them have become indispensable in all areas of the life sciences and are rapidly changing the world of work. The development towards more sustainability and the utilisation of the latest technologies in the life sciences are currently major challenges. With this degree programme, you decide to study computer science and choose your individual life science profile.

After graduating as a computer scientist, your future will lie in the application of computer science methods in an area of life sciences.

Programme content in the Bachelor of Applied Computer Science

Studierende der Bioprozessinformatik werten Labordaten aus

The Applied Computer Science degree programme offers a unique profile at the interface of computer science, natural sciences and technology. Here you can combine your enthusiasm for computers and programming with the fascination of the life sciences. On the computer science course, you will learn how to optimise life science processes with the help of software.

These processes include technical processes such as the fermentative production of antibiotics or the brewing of a tasty beer, as well as natural processes such as the metabolism in the cells of a living organism.

These are the subjects that await you on the applied computer science degree programme at HSWT:

  • Competences in computer science form the core of the degree programme. With the subjects of computer science and mathematics, you will learn to develop your own programs and complex software to analyse and simulate technical and biochemical processes.
  • During your first year of study, you will choose your profile specialisation in the life sciences and apply your computer science knowledge in one of the following areas: Molecular Biology, Brewing Technology, Sustainable Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering or Food Technology.

This is how the Applied Computer Science programme at HSWT is structured

The Bachelor's degree programme in Applied Computer Science begins on 1 October and comprises seven semesters. After completing your Bachelor's thesis, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in Computer Science.

Career prospects after studying computer science

On completion of the Bachelor's degree programme, you will have application-related, scientifically sound and professionally qualifying skills in the field of computer science, always with an eye on applications in research, development and production.

You will be able to take on particularly qualified specialist and management tasks in information technology fields - for example in the biotechnology, brewing, food and pharmaceutical industries as well as in molecular Bioinformatics and related sectors.

All areas of the life sciences related to computer science and, conversely, all areas of computer science related to the life sciences are open to you as career fields. These examples are intended to show you the range of job prospects after studying computer science with a life science profile:

  • You will develop modern software on the latest platforms at universities, research institutes or in companies.
  • Your biological expertise will enable you to analyse, model and optimise industrial and medical processes using computer science methods.
  • You will be involved in Process Automation and Robotics as well as Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence.
  • You will develop algorithms and methods for data evaluation, pattern recognition and the optimisation of bioprocesses.
  • You will contribute to the sustainable development of life on our planet

In any case, an exciting environment with state-of-the-art technology and powerful computer technology awaits you in your professional life, offering you excellent career opportunities and equally good earning potential.

Applied computer science as a course with intensive practical work

In cooperation with our industry partners, you can also study the Applied Computer Science degree programme as a course with intensive practical work. This is not an additional degree programme at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences: you first apply for the Applied Computer Science degree programme as normal. Only at the end of the first semester do you apply for an in-depth practical placement.


  • Secure student job, internship semester & Bachelor's thesis with the cooperation partner
  • Fixed salary
  • more intensive practical experience
  • Practical practice of the course content at the cooperation partner

Contact person for the degree programme with in-depth practical experience

Study Applied Computer Science: You need these requirements at the HSWT

Apart from the general guidelines for applying to study at the Weihenstephan campus, you do not need to observe anything else when starting your degree programme. Neither a specific A-level grade (NC) nor a preliminary work placement is required to start the Computer Science degree programme.

Bachelor's degree programme in Applied Computer Science at Weihenstephan - that's a plus:

Dozent zeigt Studierenden der Bioinformatik den Verlauf einer mathematischen Funktion
  • Optimal training in specialised subjects thanks to competent teaching staff, top equipment and proximity to industry & research
  • excellent conditions for developing social skills thanks to an open campus culture & plenty of space for practising & learning
  • diverse opportunities to gain insights into your professional future through excursions to companies & trade fairs as well as the possibility of a course with intensive practical work

degree programme ambassador

I'm Niklas Lochmann and I'm a programme ambassador for the Bioprocess Informatics degree programme. As I study at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, I can answer your questions directly. So if you want to know what the degree programme is all about or what it's like to live in Freising, just send me an email to:

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