Studentin des Masterstudiengangs Umweltingenieurwesens arbeitet im Forschungslabor in Triesdorf
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Environmental Engineering Master's programme in Triesdorf

Environmental Engineering

Protecting and preserving the environment, detecting and repairing damage with the tools of the engineer: a heroic deed every day.

Your studies in a nutshell (short profile)
  • Duration  3 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Triesdorf
  • Semester  Winter semester / Summer semester
Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 30 August 2024

Study Environmental Engineering & Shape the Green Future

As environmental and/or energy experts, our students create "technology in harmony with nature". In the degree programme at the HSWT in Triesdorf, the focus is on the practice-oriented technical and ecological but also sustainable economic orientation of the degree programme: In the consecutive Master's degree in Environmental Engineering, you will gain knowledge about the application of new environmental technologies and the protection or improvement of existing ecological systems.

Graduates of the three bachelor's degree programmes in environmental protection at the HSWT can apply for a place on a master's degree programme. However, the programme is also open to interested students who have completed a comparable engineering programme in Germany or abroad after 6 or 7 semesters with 180 or 210 ECTS. In addition to 60 % Bachelor's and Diploma graduates from Triesdorf, 26.5 % students from other German universities of applied sciences have been accepted to date. About 13.5% of the students come from foreign universities (including Iran, Hungary, Algeria, Tunisia, Kosovo, Colombia).

Course contents of the Master's degree programme in Environmental Engineering

Studierende des Masterstudiengangs Umweltingenieurwesen in Triesdorf nehmen Wasserproben am Weiher

The University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf trains specialists and managers in the Master's degree programme in Environmental Engineering who contribute to solving acute environmental issues. With a degree in environmental engineering, you ensure the preservation of the environment for the benefit of future generations.

At the beginning of the Master's programme, you choose two of four focal points, which can be freely combined:

Energy topics:

  • Simulation & measurement technology

  • Energy efficiency

Environmental topics:

  • Environmental forensics

  • Environmental monitoring

You can also take aspects from the non-selected specialisations as elective modules.

The choice of your specialisation determines the focus of your project studies: During your Environmental Engineering studies you work independently - alone or in a team with other students - on current environmental topics. These can be taken from ongoing research projects at the Biomass Institute Triesdorf-Ansbach (BIT) or from companies in the region. For this purpose, students have access to highly modern and excellent laboratories and technical facilities at the Triesdorf campus, both for internships, project studies and the master's thesis.

This is how the Environmental Engineering degree programme is structured

The Master's programme in Environmental Engineering aims to provide a scientific education based on scientific knowledge and methods through practice-oriented teaching - this is something that all of our environmental protection programmes have in common, as well as the other fields of study.

This is what awaits you in the various core subjects:

Career Prospects for Environmental Engineers

Practically in all sectors of the manufacturing industry, but also in retail, logistics and transport as well as in the construction industry and, of course, in engineering offices, the importance of the topics of environment, energy and resource efficiency is constantly increasing. This is due both to the ever-increasing focus on the efficient use of natural resources and to ever stricter legal requirements for climate and environmental protection. This is accompanied by a considerable demand for appropriately qualified specialists and managers, especially for relevantly qualified engineers.

The Master's degree in Environmental Engineering qualifies you to design suitable structures and management systems. In this way, you can initiate a wide range of measures in companies and public administration to sustainably improve environmental performance.

The fields of activity in the environmental sector are wide-ranging. In particular, the following subject areas are worth mentioning:

  • Recycling management

  • Soil protection & remediation of contaminated sites

  • Environmental & bioanalytics (environmental forensics)

  • Water supply & wastewater treatment

  • Water protection (renaturation)

  • Environmental & nature conservation planning, biodiversity

  • Emission control (noise, air pollutants etc.)

  • Generation of electricity, heat & cooling from renewable energy sources

  • Energy efficiency in processes, buildings & logistics

  • Efficient use of natural resources (life cycle analyses)

  • Development & production of environmental protection goods

  • Operational environmental Management

  • Energy consulting (incl. building material assessment)

  • consulting & planning services for companies.

The concept of the Master's programme in Environmental Engineering is interdisciplinary, so that you can also fill positions that are increasingly located in cross-company cross-sectional areas. This means that professionals in the field of Environmental Engineering have to keep an eye on processes inside as well as outside the company.

Environmental Engineering: Requirements for the study programme

Students who meet the following requirements are admitted to the Master's degree programme in Environmental Engineering:

  • Proof of a completed Bachelor's or Diploma degree in Environmental Engineering, Technology of Renewable Energies or Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Water Technology or Water Management Engineering or comparable (equivalent) engineering degree programmes. The degree can be from a German University of Applied Sciences or as a comparable degree from a foreign university.

  • For provisional admission, at least 180 EC points must be proven. You can obtain the missing 30 EC points within the scope of the Master's programme in Environmental Engineering by completing a practical semester and/or taking Bachelor's examinations, among other things. If you have already achieved 210 EC points in your Bachelor's degree, you do not have to make up any points.

  • The courses at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf are mainly held in German. Foreign students whose native language is not German must therefore prove that they have knowledge of the German language (language level B2).

For more information on the general application process for Bachelor's and Master's programmes, please see Application for Studies.

Environmental Engineering in Triesdorf: Why you're making the right decision with us

  • You work to preserve the environment for future generations.

  • With the Environmental Engineering degree programme, a wide range of fields of application are open to you.

  • You complete an active project study programme with intensive practical relevance.

More information about the study programme

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