Zwei Frauen halten zusammen mit anderen Personen kleine Fahnen verscheidener Länder hoch.
  • Knowledge Exchange & International Networking

Partner universities of the HSWT

International exchange, gaining experience abroad and welcoming guests from all over the world - this is also what the HSWT stands for. This page provides an overview of our international cooperation partners.

International Cooperation

The University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf maintains numerous contacts with foreign universities. The form of the respective cooperation is regulated within the framework of agreements at university or faculty level. The contacts can be used by students, lecturers and staff, among others, for stays abroad.

Our Partner Universities for Stays Abroad

All university partners of the two programmes Erasmus+ and SEMP (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) are listed in this portal

In addition, HSWT maintains good relations with Africa and South America through the university networks Network Africa and Network Latin America.

Further information about the individual partner universities is available from the International Office. The programme coordinators and international representatives of the departments are responsible for specialist questions.

General Overview of University Cooperations

Whether for an Erasmus semester or an international research project - the following overview lists all of HSWT's partner universities as well as information about the areas in which we cooperate with them.


University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
International Office, Funding and Career Service (IFC)
Building C4
Weihenstephaner Berg 5
85354 Freising