Luftaufnahme eines Feldes und der Landschaft um Triesdorf bei Sonnenuntergang. Ein Bauer ist noch auf dem Feld unterwegs.
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  • Shaping the landscape of the future with research

Doctoral Centre Sustainable Land Use Systems

On 16 July 2024, the doctoral centre "Sustainable Land Use Systems" at HSWT was awarded the right to award doctorates by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts.

Climate change, sustainability, resource conservation and biodiversity - topics of the SusLand doctoral centre

The Sustainable Land Use Systems (SusLand) doctoral centre addresses the major issues and global challenges of our time:

How do we deal with natural resources? How do we secure ecosystem services and value chains? Can we manage the transformation into the post-fossil age?

In line with the research profile of the HSWT, research at the doctoral centre contributes to the development of innovative solutions for resilient and sustainable land use systems while respecting planetary boundaries and sustainability goals.

Research areas of the SusLand doctoral centre


Climate change


Applied life sciences with a focus on sustainable land use systems and a focus on biodiversity, climate change and bioeconomy are bundled in a systems science approach at the SusLand doctoral centre. Research focuses in particular on the pressing issues of biodiversity, climate adaptation, digitalisation, acceptance and participation.

Research topics

The promotion centre addresses the following aspects of sustainable land use, among others:

Sustainable Agriculture

In SusLand, innovative practices for plant cultivation and animal husbandry are being developed in order to achieve food security while minimising the environmental impact in the face of a growing world population.

Climate neutrality

Innovative approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the sink capacity in the land use, land use change and forestry sector are being researched in SusLand.

Effects of climate change

Researchers in SusLand are developing, testing and evaluating measures to adapt Agriculture, forest management and bioeconomy to extended growing seasons, droughts and heavy rainfall.


SusLand is investigating how the decline in biodiversity in the area of conflict between agriculture/forestry, urbanisation and nature conservation can be counteracted through innovative and integrative land use.

Conservation of natural resources

The potential, value and vulnerability of natural resources and the associated ecosystem services, including trade-offs, are being researched and assessed in SusLand.

Digital technologies

In SusLand, digital technologies are used to analyse and model ecosystems, landscapes and value chains to enable innovative solutions to complex challenges.


SusLand researches participatory approaches that increase the acceptance of land use changes and green transformation among various target groups.


Currently, 16 professors with a strong research background at the HSWT are members of the SusLand doctoral centre. The expertise of the participating professors lies primarily in the fields of biosciences, agricultural sciences and forestry, and covers a broad spectrum of methods and topics along the ecosystem - land use - food - bioeconomy value chain. The systems science paradigm it represents promotes the formation of supervision tandems and research alliances.

The professorial members of the doctoral centre can supervise and assess doctoral projects.

Doing a doctorate at the SusLand doctoral centre

The doctoral centre "Sustainable Land Use Systems" enables talented young researchers to gain qualifications through practical research and teaching in the transdisciplinary environment of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf.

It awards the doctoral degrees "Dr.rer.nat" and "Dr.agr."

Information on requirements and the application process will follow shortly.


Lageplan der Gebäude H am Campus Weihenstephan.


Graduate Academy of the University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Centre for Research and Knowledge Transfer
Building H7
Am Staudengarten 9
85354 Freising