Bachelor-Studierende analysieren im Lebensmitteltechnologie-Studium die Zusammensetzung von Gummibärchen
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Study Food Technology in Weihenstephan

Food Technology

Rediscover pleasure: Embark on a voyage of discovery with a lab coat and test tube and help shape the new world of food production - from raw materials to marketing, in a start-up or global corporation!

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  7 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester
  • Work  With in-depth practice
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 30 August 2024

What you can expect when you study Food Technology at Weihenstephan

The Food Technology degree programme is as diverse as the career opportunities in your future profession: from the theoretical scientific basics to practical implementation in production, marketing and trade. You will focus on raw materials as well as the technological aspects of production. Product development is just as important to you as the various sales opportunities in stationary and digital retail.

Whether microbiology, process engineering or food law, whether statistics, sensor technology or communication skills - at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf you will receive a comprehensive education that will prepare you optimally for a wide variety of industries and tasks. As a generalist, many doors will open for you.

You can find more videos about the degree programme on our YouTube channel

The contents of the Food Technology degree programme

Lebensmitteltechnologie-Studentin am Mikroskop

Food Technology deals with the physical, chemical, microbiological, process engineering, legal and business aspects of food production. It is therefore an interdisciplinary engineering science and is part of the Nutrition & Food degree programmes at HSWT. The course content is correspondingly broad, as are the subsequent career opportunities.

These are the aspects you will encounter on the Bachelor's degree programme:

  • Fundamentals: In the first semesters, you will primarily acquire basic scientific, mathematical and engineering knowledge. At the same time, from the 2nd semester onwards, the technological content starts with the module Cereal Technology.
  • Theory of industrial food production: You will familiarise yourself with various industries and technologies that open up a wide range of processes in food production.
  • Direct implementation in practical applications: In practical courses, you will learn to plan, control and monitor food technology processes. You will also deepen your understanding through excursions to food companies in order to design products and systems, develop them and operate systems.
  • Jump-start your food start-up idea: As part of your bachelor's degree programme, you can use the facilities and laboratories at the Food Startup Incubator to get your food idea off the ground. Our experienced experts will also share their expertise in the field of entrepreneurship & food and coach you throughout the entire development process. Possible grants in kind minimise your financial risk.

Food Technology: Programme structure

The Study and examination regulations (SPO) specify which compulsory modules you must take on the Food Technology degree programme. You can also put together your study profile from many compulsory elective modules to suit your career aspirations and interests.

Food Technology career prospects

The theoretical and practical knowledge you gain at HSWT will make you a sought-after Food Technology specialist who can gain a foothold in numerous industries. We have answers to questions you may have about your career:

Where could you work after studying Food Technology?

  • in all sectors of the food industry, e.g. at confectionery manufacturers or dairies
  • in related industries such as the pharmaceutical or cosmetics industry
  • in the supply industry
  • in a research institute, testing laboratory or in food monitoring
  • in mechanical and plant engineering for the food industry or related industries

What could your tasks be?

  • Production or plant management
  • Process or product development
  • Plant planning
  • Quality management & food safety
  • Purchasing, marketing & sales
  • Management of chemical, microbiological or sensory laboratories

Food Technology: course with intensive practical work

The Bachelor's degree programme in Food Technology is also offered as a course with intensive practical work (StmvP). This dual study model offers you the opportunity to gain extensive professional experience in a Food Technology company during fixed practical phases alongside the regular Bachelor's degree programme.

The close integration of academic theory and professional practice opens up optimal career opportunities. After all, more and more companies are participating in dual study programmes in order to recruit managers with a high level of practical experience in good time.

Contact persons for the degree programme with in-depth practical experience

Previous cooperation partners from the food industry

Food Technology degree programme: Requirements

Admission to the degree programme in Food Technology is not restricted in the sense of an NC (Numerus Clausus). However, you should fulfil the general admission requirements for studying at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. You can find these on the degree programme application page.

You can then apply online via the HSWT application portal.

The Study and examination regulations (SPO) of the degree programme, which come into force in 2023, no longer require a compulsory internship before the start of the degree programme.

Why study Food Technology at Weihenstephan?

Practical & clear teaching

  • Application-oriented courses (exercises & practicals)
  • Networking with other institutions at the Weihenstephan site (including the Fraunhofer Institute)
  • Use of the facilities of the Centre for Research & Knowledge Transfer, in particular the Institute for Food Technology
  • Close contact with companies in the food industry

Possibility for an individual study profile

  • Specialisation according to your own interests through individual module selection

Diverse student life in Freising

  • Numerous student events at the Weihenstephan campus
  • Freising as a student town with extensive social, sporting and cultural opportunities and close proximity to Munich

Our degree programme ambassadors

Make it easier for yourself to choose a degree programme and talk to people who are already in the middle of it. Our programme ambassadors will tell you about their experiences at HSWT. Jonas Ehren and Benedikt Weigert are degree programme ambassadors for the Food Technology degree programme.

Porträt von Jonas Ehren – Student und Studiengangsbotschafter des Studiengangs Lebensmitteltechnologie.

My name is Jonas Ehren and I decided to study Food Technology at HSWT after completing my cookery training. I actually come from near Düsseldorf and found out about Freising and the HSWT via the internet and I'm very happy about it.
It was definitely the right decision to take up this degree programme. The lecturers organise practical courses with various internships and also tastings, for me currently in the Cereal Technology module. Everything is much more personal and informal than at large universities with hundreds of people per degree course and the city of Freising generally offers many opportunities for students to connect, for example at student-organised parties.

If you have any questions about studying or leisure activities in Freising, or if you are interested in a campus tour, please get in touch with me:

Do you still have questions that are not answered here?

Further study programmes