Studierende des Regionalmanagement Masters überprüfen Pläne eines Dorfplatzes
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  • Studying Regional Development for Regions with a Future

Regional Management

Stakeholders from politics and public administration, from the environment and agriculture, industry and trade, from tourism, educational and cultural institutions: Regional Management brings them all together at one table and plans with them how the region can move forward.

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  3 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Triesdorf
  • Semester  Summer semester / Winter semester
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 30 August 2024

Master's Programme Regional Management in Triesdorf

Whether regional development, regional strategy concepts or economic development, whether moderation, public relations or regional consulting - our students learn the entire competence spectrum of sustainable Regional Management. This is entirely in the spirit of a coalescing and diverse "Europe of the regions", in which the regions in the EU member states are to be promoted and supported in their regional autonomy. From rural areas to cities and metropolitan regions, the focus at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf is on shaping a climate-friendly and integrative development of the region with its respective potentials.

Study content of the Master's degree Regional Management

Regional Management is extremely diverse: It aims to develop dynamism in regions and make better use of existing potential, sustainably shape living spaces and increase the attractiveness of cities and rural areas.

In the course of the Master's degree programme in Regional Management, you will acquire a high level of professional qualification and distinctive social skills. This will enable you to take on management positions at regional level, as is common in the management of companies, public institutions and associations. In this way, you will work for the development of a region, ask about its strengths and challenges, learn to involve important actors, plan projects, gain financial resources and accompany regional development processes.

The Regional Management degree programme is cross-sectional and practice-oriented. This is ensured by the expertise of our professors, the involvement of external experts from the field as part-time lecturers, the implementation of case and project studies as well as subject-related excursions. In addition, European and international contexts are conveyed, as through cooperation with other Master's programmes and through courses offered in English. Both project studies and the promotion of social competences have a high priority.

This is how the Regional Management degree programme in Triesdorf is structured

The Master's programme Regional Management extends over three semesters. Two semesters are primarily devoted to teaching interdisciplinary skills and competences for taking on regional development tasks.

The third semester is dedicated to writing the Master's thesis and specialised courses with a particularly close connection to the labour market. During the lecture-free period or in the third semester at the latest, a company internship of at least four weeks introduces you to the real tasks of everyday working life.

Each semester includes a total of 30 European Credit Points (EC), two-thirds of which are compulsory modules. The remainder can be selected from an extended range of modules (compulsory elective modules) for individual profiling.

The compulsory modules take place mainly from Wednesday to Friday - sometimes also on Saturdays. This makes it possible for part-time professionals to participate in the Master's programme. Currently, the courses are usually online on Wednesdays.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Geißendörfer presents the Master's in Regional Management

Career Prospects after the Master's degree in Regional Management

After completing your Master's degree, you will be able to deal with conflicts on current challenges such as land consumption, land use, participation, internal development, regional value creation or digitalisation and to moderate different interest groups.

This results in a diverse range of activities:

  • Management tasks & staff in regional initiatives or state-public bodies (for example Regional Management, metropolitan regions, eco-model regions).
  • Project management in regional development (for example through the LEADER programme)
  • Establishment & management of cross-community cooperation & development organisations (e.g. inter-community alliances, integrated rural development)
  • Creation of regional development concepts & their implementation support
  • Design of regional marketing & economic development tasks (e.g. location marketing)
  • Process design & cooperation with various private & public actors

Admission Requirements for the Regional Management degree programme in Triesdorf

  • You can be admitted to the Master's programme if you have completed or will soon complete an undergraduate degree with a grade of at least "good". If your final grade is lower than 2.5, you can apply to us with a letter of motivation - in this case, an examination committee will decide on admission.
  • Your basic studies should be assigned to one of the following subject areas: Agricultural Science, Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning, Spatial Planning, Geosciences, Economic Geography, Economic and Social Sciences, Environmental or Nutritional Sciences or another comparable domestic or foreign degree.
  • The prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree programme is usually 210 ECTS, which includes a practical semester with 30 ECTS. The programme can also be started with 180 ECTS; in this case you can make up the missing credits from theory or practice.
  • If your Bachelor's degree certificate is not yet available, you can submit it by the end of the first semester.
  • Before taking up the Master's degree programme, you should provide evidence of practical periods of at least 20 weeks in the form of internships (including practical study semesters with at least 30 ECTS) or work experience. Practical periods during and after the undergraduate degree programme as well as activities that were carried out within the scope of a vocational qualification before commencing the undergraduate degree programme are eligible for credit. "Student casual jobs" are not recognised as practical time.
    If you still lack practical time, you can provide evidence of it until the end of the second semester.
  • Most of the courses are held in German. Foreign students whose native language is not German must therefore prove sufficient knowledge of the German language (at least level B2).

Missing credit points (ECTS) can be made up as follows:

Regional Management in Triesdorf: This is what awaits you in the Master's programme!

  • You will receive a high level of professional qualification and strong social skills.
  • You will be trained for a very broad spectrum of regional management tasks.
  • Active project studies with intensive practical relevance make you very attractive on the job market.

degree programme ambassador

Porträt von Katharina Mairle

When choosing a course of study, it makes sense to talk to students in order to get a vivid impression of the course of study. There are topics and questions that can best be answered authentically by students. Katharina Mairle is therefore active as a degree programme ambassador for you. You can get in touch with her and ask her your individual questions:

You still have questions that are not answered here?