Im Rahmen des Agrarmanagement-Studiums besuchen einen Dozent und eine Studierende ein Lehrfeld bei Weihenstephan
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Study Agricultural Management in Weihenstephan

Agricultural Management

Ecological, economic, digital: deepen your expertise and management skills in the agricultural industry.

Your studies in a nutshell (short profile)
  • Duration  3 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester / Summer semester
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 30 August 2024

What awaits you in the Agricultural Management degree programme

In the Master's degree programme in Agricultural Management, you will deepen your professional knowledge and strengthen your management skills in the responsible and future-oriented production, processing and marketing of agricultural or horticultural products. The degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf qualifies you for a management position in companies along the horticultural and agricultural value chains, but also, for example, for senior service in state authorities.

Depending on your individual specialisation, you will focus your studies on agricultural businesses, on organic Agriculture and Horticulture or on the corresponding value chains. Digitalisation and data management, sustainability and local justice always play a central role. The programme is offered jointly by the departments Sustainable Agriculture and Energy Systems, Horticulture and Food Technology, and Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition. For you, this means that you can choose from a variety of modules and benefit from the different competences.

Study Agricultural Management: Study contents

Agrarmanagement-Studierende auf dem Feld.

In the Agricultural Management degree programme, you learn to develop innovative and practical systems.

The goal: to optimise agricultural and horticultural production operations in a location- and environment-friendly, resource-efficient and economically stable manner, as well as to design corresponding value chains. You will acquire the necessary skills to adapt farms and value chains to new challenges.

The Master's programme builds on the basic knowledge you gained in your Bachelor's programme, e.g. Agriculture or Horticulture. It consolidates and deepens a broad systemic understanding of the agricultural, horticulture and food sector of tomorrow. You will learn professional and methodological skills to analyse, evaluate and optimise complex interrelationships in business and management.

Structure of the Master's degree in Agricultural Management

The degree programme comprises three compulsory modules that teach methods as well as a central practical project and offers a wide range of options for your individual profile development. The management-related compulsory elective modules serve to strengthen your management competence. The subject-related compulsory elective modules serve to deepen your subject competence - always with reference to your specialisation.

At the beginning of your studies, you first select one of the three specialisations:

Study Agricultural Management & Make a Career

As a manager of tomorrow, you can work along the entire value chain in the agricultural, horticulture and food industry, in consulting and research institutions or in the higher civil service, at offices and authorities at home and abroad. Due to the breadth of the study programme and the possibility of individual profile formation, you have excellent prospects in all of these areas.

Requirements, Admission & Application for Agricultural Management Studies

The admission requirement for the Agricultural Management degree programme is that you have successfully completed your Bachelor's degree with an above-average grade in one of the following degree programmes:

  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Foodstuff Management
  • Industrial Engineering and Management Agribusiness Marketing and Management
  • Agribusiness
  • Organic Food & Business
  • Agricultural/Horticultural Sciences
  • or equivalent course of study

You have completed your Bachelor's degree with an overall grade of at least 2.59 or among the best 50 % and have earned 210 credits. If you have completed your Bachelor's degree with an overall grade between 2.60 and 2.99, you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate the necessary competences for the Master's degree programme in an aptitude interview.

If you have completed a degree programme with a lower number of credits (but at least 180 EC), you can make up the missing credits in individually selected modules after taking up the degree programme.

You can already start the Master's programme even if you do not yet fulfil the admission requirements at the beginning (certificate not yet available). However, you must then provide proof that you have met the admission requirements no later than six weeks after the start of the semester. In this case, you must submit a certificate with your application stating that it is expected that you will fulfil the admission requirements during this period.

The application period

  • for the summer semester starts at the beginning of December and ends on 15 January.
  • for the winter semester starts at the beginning of May and ends on 15 July.

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