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Study Climate Protection & Climate Adaptation in Weihenstephan

Climate protection & climate adaptation

Would you like to play your part in creating a future worth living? Then study climate protection and climate adaptation at the HSWT - practical and multidisciplinary!

Your studies in a nutshell (short profile)
  • Duration  7 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Admission restriction


Application deadline

29 April – 30 August 2024

Studying climate protection and climate adaptation at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time. It not only jeopardises the livelihood of countless plants and creatures, but also that of humans themselves. The driving processes of global warming are clear, but despite growing scientific knowledge, the serious consequences have not yet been fully recognised by society, even though the need for action is extremely great. Therefore, not only climate protection, but also climate adaptation is required for a future- and solution-orientated development in ecology and economy.

On the Climate Protection and Adaptation degree programme, you will first learn to understand the global climate system and the processes and interactions between the living and non-living environment on our planet. You will deal with challenges and interrelationships as well as the corresponding levers. The aim is to develop climate strategies and solutions with which climate neutrality can be achieved in the future.

Climate protection and climate adaptation - the two components of the degree programme title - are essential measures for preserving our livelihoods:

  • Climate protection: Meeting the 1.5-degree target from the Paris Climate Agreement defines a key milestone in shaping a sustainable society. Climate protection strategies must be developed for all conceivable areas in order to drastically reduceCO2 emissions.
  • Climate adaptation: As the consequences of climate change are already being felt, measures must be taken to adapt to these changes. This includes, for example, the construction of flood defences along our rivers or higher dykes due to rising sea levels.

What you can expect from the Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation degree programme

Climate protection and climate adaptation are complex challenges that affect all areas of our lives. The multidisciplinary approach of the degree programme conveys content from five departments:

You will deepen your knowledge of these subjects on the Bachelor's degree programme in Climate Protection & Adaptation:

  • Overall climate system & causes of climate change
  • Measures in climate protection & climate adaptation:
    • Resource management
    • Renewable energies
    • Climate policy & climate law
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation in land use systems (specialisation 1)
  • Climate protection and climate adaptation in municipalities and administration (specialisation 2)
  • Transformation processes
  • Methodology, IT skills & scientific work
  • Possibility to transfer to the "Management of Renewable Energies" degree programme if you are interested in this subject area in depth

How the Climate Protection & Climate Adaptation degree programme is structured

The Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation degree programme comprises seven semesters.

In the third and fourth semesters, you can choose one of two specialisations: Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation in Land Use Systems or Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation in Municipalities and Administration. Alternatively, you can switch to the "Management of Renewable Energies" degree programme.

An internship semester takes place in the fifth semester, in which you will underpin the knowledge you have gained up to that point with practical experience outside the University of applied sciences and get to know future employers. In the sixth and seventh semesters, all students on the Bachelor's degree programme come together again to work on interdisciplinary approaches to climate protection and climate adaptation.

You will receive your Bachelor of Science with the final Bachelor's thesis. The programme always starts in the winter semester on 1 October each year.

Climate protection & climate adaptation: possible career prospects & Master's degree programmes

By completing the Climate Protection and Adaptation degree programme, you will acquire a scientifically sound, application-oriented and professionally qualifying degree that will qualify you for a wide range of professional fields. Depending on your specialisation, you can work in various sectors in climate protection, climate adaptation and resource management:

  • Cities, municipalities & other administrative units (e.g. climate protection managers in district offices, water management offices, offices for Agriculture & Forestry)
  • Companies of all sizes, e.g. in the forestry, Agriculture or water sectors, that develop climate protection strategies and climate adaptation concepts, e.g. sponge city concepts, unsealing strategies or greening concepts
  • Political parties & (nature conservation) associations
  • Energy companies, development companies & investors focussing on renewable energy projects

Afterwards, you can of course also choose from the Master's degree programmes Climate Change Management and Regional Management and many other programmes at the University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf.

Requirements for the Climate Protection and Adaptation degree programme

There are no admission restrictions for the Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in the sense of an NC (Numerus Clausus). It is not a requirement to complete a Preliminary work placement.

Study climate protection & climate adaptation: Why the HSWT is the right choice

  • Lots of practical content and the practical semester allow you to apply what you have learnt directly.
  • By choosing a specialisation, you can set your own personal focus during your studies.
  • As a green University of applied sciences, sustainability and climate protection are top priorities in all areas of the HSWT.
  • Study on a familiar and natural campus with a national reputation.
  • By studying climate protection and climate adaptation, you will prepare yourself for a sought-after professional field in which you can initiate relevant changes for our future.

More information about the degree programme

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