• Date:  18. – 21.09.2024
  • Time:  08:00 to 18:30
  • Location: Campus Weihenstephan
  • Language:  Deutsch/English
  • Registration status:  booked

Peatlands and Ecosystem Functions - iPSC

Wiese mit Wollgras, im Hintergrund hügelige Landschaft mit Bäumen
University of Applied Sciences
Campus Weihenstephan, 85354 Freising

The Peatland Science Centre (PSC) invites you to the international Peatland Science Conference (iPSC): Three days dedicated to exploring scientific and practical topics concerning peatlands.

The significance of peatlands is no longer confined to the scientific domain, but has also become a matter of public awareness. Owing to their characteristically wet and therefore anaerobic soil conditions, peatlands rank among the world's most important carbon reservoirs. In recent years, the preservation and conservation of peatlands has increasingly become a focal point of political discourse and environmental policy.
Over the span of two days, the conference will delve into scientific and practical discussions centered around peatlands, complemented by field excursions to the peatlands of Bavaria on the third day. The conference offers a platform for the exchange of the latest research results, innovative approaches and best practices in management of peatland ecosystems.

Conference programme of the iPSC Conference

The registration deadline for the conference has expired.

The programme for the iPSC Conference has now been finalised and promises exciting days full of knowledge, networking and unforgettable experiences. Here you will find an overview of the program.

Our program is online! Take a look at the program booklet with excursion guide, the abstract book and the exhibitor catalogue of the Paludi Fair here.

We begin the conference on Wednesday with a series of hands-on workshops that will give attendees the opportunity to explore specific topics in depth and gain valuable skills. The evening concludes with a social icebreaker, perfect for making initial contacts and exchanging ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.

Thursday and Friday:
On these two days, the keynotes and sessions take centre stage. The keynote speakers from various fields will present their latest research results and findings. The sessions will provide a platform for intensive discussions and the exchange of ideas. Here you can find the detailed program.

Saturday is reserved for excursions. We offer a series of excursions that will take participants to various scientific and conservation sites. These excursions not only offer a welcome break from the conference routine, but also the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the practical application of research results

You can look forward to a varied and exciting programme that will give you new impetus both professionally and personally. We can't wait to welcome you to the iPSC conference!

Sessions topics


  • Exchange of greenhouse gases from organic soils (ENG)
  • Soil Properties and Biogeochemical Processes in Peatlands (ENG)
  • Hydrological models for peatlands: processes, scales and applications (ENG)
  • Classification and mapping of organic soils including remote sensing (ENG)
  • Peatlands under stress and their ecological resilience (ENG)
  • Rewettetd peatlands – Biodiversity hotspot or novel ecosystems (ENG)
  • Renaturierungspraxis in verschiedenen Moortypen und -landschaften (GER)
  • Wet management and strategies in agriculture (ENG)
  • Perspektiven für Wälder auf Moorböden (GER)
  • Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Paludikultur-Biomasse (GER)
  • Rechtliche Herausforderungen und Anpassungsbedarf (GER)
  • Social and economic challenges and impacts of peatland transformation (ENG)

Pre-Conference Workshops (18.09.2024)

We are exited about the great interest in participating in a workshop in connection with this year's iPSC conference. The workshops are a great way to expand your knowledge, acquire new skills and connect with experts and peers in your field before the conference. We cover a wide range of topics and offer both theoretical and practical insights.
The following workshops will take place:

  • Workshop 1: Pragmatic approach to implementation measures with regard to rewetting
  • Workshop 2: Information and communication regarding Peatprotection
  • Workshop 3:  Legal issues relating to peatland rewetting

Please note: All workshops will be held in German! All persons who have indicated their interest in a workshop when registering for the conference will receive detailed information by e-mail.

Excursions (21.09.2024)

On September 21, we would like to showcase the diversity of the Bavarian peatlands through a series excursions. Participants will be able to select one excursion per person. We recommend sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate clothing (rain and sun protection). The participation fee for each excursion costs € 35, which includes bus transportation, a packed lunch, and an excursion booklet.
Please note, that the excursions require a minimum number of participants. If the excursion you have chosen is canceled, we will inform you of alternative excursion destinations. A selection of the available  excursion destinations can be found at the provided Link.

  • Großkarolinenfeld and Koller- and Hochrunstfilze
  • Schechenfilz, Benediktbeuern
  • Bayerisches Donaumoos
  • Schwäbisches Donaumoos, Dattenhauser Ried
  • Bayerischer Wald
  • Freisinger and Erdinger Moos

The conference is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – 549142583

Information on data protection and conditions of participation for events at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. The German version only is legally binding. The Englisch version i for information only.