• Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2025
  • : Further research fields

African-Bavarian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences 2.0 (ABA 2.0)

The University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT) is continuing the previous alliance under the name "African-Bavarian Alliance for Applied Life Sciences 2.0 (ABA 2.0)":

  1. This will enable HSWT to consolidate and further expand the established network with a large number of partner institutions from Bavaria, Ethiopia, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia as part of the Bavarian Africa Package. The Bavarian Coalition Agreement 2023 places a special focus on development cooperation with Kenya. In future, HSWT would therefore like to include partner institutions from Kenya in particular in the network and thus further promote dialog between all Bavarian partner countries on the African continent.
  2. In addition, "ABA 2.0" will support HSWT and its partners in preparing joint practice-oriented hybrid degree programs in the field of Agriculture Value Chains and Climate Change Management. This is intended to promote the employability and international skills development of African and Bavarian students and further strengthen Agriculture as the backbone of the bioeconomy in all project countries. In this context, "ABA 2.0" also aims in particular to promote dialog between African partner institutions and the Bavarian private sector in relevant subject areas.

General project lead HSWT


Project execution

Project participation
