• Duration: 01.05.2021 – 31.03.2023
  • : Land use
  • Research status:  Closed

Strengthening food security in DAC countries through sustainable agriculture and improved food - value chain management (Green Week 2022).

For more than 30 years, HSWT has been involved in development cooperation through partnerships with international partner universities. The university has a unique expertise in modern and practical agricultural and food technology education. This expertise was used by 17 participants in this year's DAAD Alumni Project of the HSWT International School - and during the International Green Week at the end of January at the Berlin Fair, where producers and distributors of the global agricultural industry present themselves. The group deepened their knowledge of food security, sustainable land use, rural development and value chain management through practice-oriented training in cross-national knowledge and experience exchange.

Wehenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences hosted in January 2023 17 DAAD Alumni for the seminar on food security in DAC countries in the framework of the DAAD SDG Alumni Project IGW 2023, financed by the Federal Ministry for the Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). During the one week at Campus Triesdorf, Alumni from 15 different countries got lectures from the Professors of HSWT on sustainable agriculture and animal production as well as practical usages of renewable energy. In addition, Alumni had the opportunity to visit several companies in Bavaria, which operate in the field of food processing. Before the week at HSWT, Alumni were visiting GFFA and International Green Week in Berlin for five days, together with 60 other Alumni hosted by three other German universities. One focus of the visit to the International Green Week was the participation in the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). This year's conference, entitled "Food Systems Transformation: A Worldwide Response to Multiple Crises," provided an important platform for alumni to share their experiences with experts from other countries and to better understand the various aspects of the world agricultural situation.

The main goals of this SDG Alumni Project is the network building and further education of the DAAD Alumni in the above mentioned fields. In a globalised economy and with growing pressure on food security, connecting the experts from different countries of the world is considered of huge importance for making the impact on global transformation of agricultural and food production system.

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences has recognized this potential and together with DAAD has a plan for further implementation of the Alumni Projects.

Project lead (HSWT)
