• Duration: 01.02.2022 – 31.08.2025
  • : Further research fields

FitForCows - a digital training tool to improve animal welfare in cattle in the form of e-learning and app

Patrizia Eben

Model and Demonstration Project Animal Welfare in the Federal Programme Farm Animal Husbandry

#FitForCows is a digital tool for interpreting animal signals in cows. Far too often, important animal signals that indicate abnormalities in animal health are overlooked. This leads to pain and suffering that is not promptly treated or remedied.

The project is divided into two sub-projects with the following objectives:

  • Creation of an e-learning #FitForCows, freely available on the internet after registration, for use in agricultural training
  • Creation of an associated smartphone app #FitForCows for practical use in the barn (free basic version)

Both projects basically cover the same content. While the app provides a compact digital format for practical use in the barn, the e-learning offers the possibility to work through individual topics autodidactically, to understand causes and to deepen knowledge beyond the knowledge compressed in the app. The quickly available "knowledge to-go" and the option of immediate practical application offer new possibilities to transfer animal welfare directly into the stables and to the animals themselves.

Green cow's head
The cow's head serves as a guide through the e-learning and the app to delineate physiological conditions (green) from mild (yellow) and severe changes (red). © HSWT
Yellow cow's head
The cow's head serves as a guide through the e-learning and the app to delineate physiological conditions (green) from mild (yellow) and severe changes (red). © HSWT
Red cow's head with tears in the left eye
The cow's head serves as a guide through the e-learning and the app to delineate physiological conditions (green) from mild (yellow) and severe changes (red). © HSWT

The cow's head serves as a guide through the e-learning and the app to delineate physiological conditions (green) from mild (yellow) and severe changes (red).


FitForCows - Erstellung eines digitalen Ausbildungstools (E-Learning) für die landwirtschaftliche Ausbildung zur Verbesserung des Tierschutzes bei Kühen

Doctoral candidate
Amelie Gößl
Research focus
Time period
01.09.2022 – 28.02.2025
Scientific supervisor HSWT (HSWT)
Prof. Dr. Prisca Kremer-Rücker

Lead of collaborative projects


Project execution

Workpackage lead (external)


Adressierte SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)